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Saturday 8th - Sunday 16th June 2024


 Celebrate running and gin this World Gin Day, with a virtual 10k or half marathon, wherever you are. Run the distance, and then treat yourself to a gin at the finish line. There are prizes NOT for the fastest time, but for the best ginnish line photo.


And with the European Championships starting on Friday 14th, why not choose a gin from a competing nation (football shirts optional!) 

The virtual run opens on World Gin Day - Saturday 8th June - you will have until Sunday 16th to run your chosen distance and submit your evidence, and optional finishers photo. If you're less confident about the distances, split into a pair or small team and divide it between you. 

Can't wait to celebrate World Gin Day with you - see you at the gin-ish line!

The Medal🥇

Gin Run Medal.png

Whether you're running a 10k or half marathon distance, you'll have the option of receiving a fantastic finishers medal. Celebrate your World Gin Day run with an exclusive wooden, gin goblet shaped design. 

Finishers Gallery

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